30th Reunion

30th Reunion

Jackie, Cheryl, and Larry

Jackie, Cheryl, and Larry

John Price, Kris Sanders and Larry Clewell

John Price, Kris Sanders and Larry Clewell

Dave, Beth, and Diane

Dave, Beth, and Diane

Steve "Beef" Antonik

Steve "Beef" Antonik

Dave Disch, Donna Kanjorski, Cheryl Cooper, Jim Davis, Tom Cywinski and Jackie Panetta

Dave Disch, Donna Kanjorski, Cheryl Cooper, Jim Davis, Tom Cywinski and Jackie Panetta

Tom and Ted

Tom and Ted

Cleveland and Dave

Class Reunion 1998

Class Reunion  1998

Reunion in 1988

Reunion in 1988

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Name these people

The GNA Class of 1978 had a 10 year reunion in Plymouth. Here's a picture.

1 comment:

Greater Nanticoke Area Class of 1978 said...

I remember. The 10 year was at Jimeal's in Plymouth. I think the place is gone now.

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On the way to Florida

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Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, United States
The Greater Nanticoke Area Class of 1978 graduated from John S. Fine High School